Hey! Its me again, who else? (: Well, i still got 4 more days of exams to go! Can't wait. After tomorrow, my exams are basically over for me la.. Well, this is my time-table for this week!
Monday - Accounts 2 & EST 1
Tuesday - Physics 2 & Physics 3
Wednesday - Moral & EST 2
Thursday - Chemistry 1
Friday - Biology 1, Physics 1 & Sejarah 1
Well, today I had accounts and EST.. Accounts was okie i think, but i can't 'imbang' 1 la. ): However for EST, the information transfer is actually kinda hard.. ): I thought it would be easy actually.. But NO!! But its okie, everything is over and 4 more days to go!
Hmmm, today i was actually thinking if I should work.. So I talked to Eunice, we planned to work in Sushi Zammai starting on the 10th November.. So we planned to ask our parents.. So this is how the conversation went for mine..
SonIa - Mummy, daddy? Should I work this coming holidays?
Mummy - Work where? When will you start if you work?
Daddy - *looked at me without saying anything*
SonIa - I'll be working at Sushi Zammai, and if i work I'll be starting next Monday which is on
10th November.
Mummy - Owwww, what will you be working as?
Daddy - *starred even more closely*
SonIa - I'll be working as a waitress la..
Daddy - NO!
The end!
Yeap, thats how the conversation went.. (: So basically no working for me this holidays! Time to enjoy i guess! YAY! (:
I'll update more about what happened after that! Till then, see you soOn! (: